
Presentation at GIN Side Event on Sept. 28, 2020

The impact of faith on LGBTI people during the COVID-19 pandemic

Presented by Pearl Wong, Queer Theology Academy, Hong Kong SAR


  First, Social distancing cut-off LGBTIQ+ people from Their Caring Communities and Interconnectedness

  According to a recent survey conducted in May this year with 860 LGBT+ in Hong Kong, respondents suffering from probable clinical depression rose from 29% before the Covid-19 pandemic, to 32%. Respondents suffering from general anxiety disorder rose from 24% to 28%, according to a paper on the survey published in the medical journal psychiatry research. Some 4% of respondents reported that they had frequently experienced family conflicts arising from their

The impact of faith on LGBTI people during the COVID-19 pandemic 

Virtual Side Event – Pre-register here:

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We believe that today, more than ever, it is crucial to differentiate between individuals’ and communities’
expression of faith and belief, and the politicization of religion. We have also seen religious leaders and
communities advocate for the most marginalised, including sexual and gender minorities. Indeed, in parallel to
this trend of increasing authoritarianism and

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2017年7月初,性神學社正式提交申請參與「互惠倫理︰聯合國性小眾宗教領袖對談」研討會,希望能夠成為十一個參與組織之一。 7月底,UN LGBTI Core Group 公佈結果,性神學社 正式入選是次會議。總幹事黃寶珠代表性神學社及 彩虹之約—共建同志友善教會行動 ,於10月 23-26日 期間遠赴聯合國位於美國紐約的總部出席會議。



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